Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What we missed at the 2010 FIFA world cup in South Africa

Yes, we are busy or exhausted after a gruelling 4 weeks in South Africa, but if you are not taking time to watch some of the games at the 2010 FIFA U-20 world cup in Germany, you are missing a special treat of good football. A distinct variety that is raw and pure, unadulterated with the crafty antics of con artist that we grandly ordain with sophistry by calling them professional footballers or even football stars.

Being mostly teenagers, it is understandable that the beautiful girls from the 16 participating countries show a tactical indiscipline that thrills. Their movement is spontaneous. They ride tackles with competitive zest, alien to men's game at all levels.

Female football is gradually becoming the only platform where football is football. Please just see the games.

1 comment:

  1. An enjoyable tournament till the end with Germany nicking the title after a tight 2 - 0 win over Nigeria. Football was natural and I guess the male folks should borrow a leaf or two!
